Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sewa Modal Pegadaian

Sewa Modal Pegadaian

Anda nasabah Pegadaian? belum paham cara penghitungan Sewa Modalnya? tenang men, ini saya buatkan aplikasi khusus untuk menghitung Sewa Modal Pegadaian.

Seperti yang kita ketahui, Pegadaian merupakan lembaga keuangan yang memberi pinjaman jangka pendek (Kredit Cepat Aman) dengan hukum gadai, artinya anda harus membawa barang berharga anda ke kantor Pegadaian terdekat, trus barang agunan anda akan ditaksir oleh petugas penaksir yang berpengalaman, lalu ditetapkan jumlah pinjaman yang bisa anda dapatkan. Dan proses cairnya cuma memakan waktu 10 s/d 15 menit.Cepat bukan? Bandingin deh jika anda ingin pinjam duit ke Bank, proses berbelit dan lama, agunannya pun harus rumah atau tanah atau SK.

Melayani pinjaman dari Rp.20.000 s/d Rp.200.000.000, wajar saja jika sekarang Pegadaian menjadi andalan masyarakat dan pengusaha dalam mendapatkan dana dengan cepat, murah, dan mudah.

Pegadaian juga memiliki beberapa produk pembiayaan lainnya seperti Kreasi, Krasida, Krista, Kucica, Gadai Syariah, dsb.

Perhitungan sewa modal di Pegadaian dihitung per 15 hari, dihitung dari tanggal kredit. Nah, banyak nasabah yang kurang paham akan perhitungan tsb. Dengan tipikal kantor Pegadaian dengan nasabahnya yang sangat rame, mungkin saja petugas Penaksir / Kasir kurang bisa menjelaskan hal ini kepada nasabah secara detil.

Aplikasi ini cukup sederhana. Anda cukup memasukkan tanggal kredit dan jumlah pinjaman. Tabel Sewa Modal akan di-generate lengkap dengan range tanggalnya. Mulai sekarang anda tidak perlu lagi mengira-ngira berapa sewa modal pinjaman anda, siapkan aja uang pas.

Artikel yang berhubungan :

Gadai, Sarana Alternatif Pinjaman untuk modal usaha


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Gadai, Sarana Alternatif Pinjaman

Kebingungan membayar tagihan rumah sakit (kebutuhan lainnya) , sudah menjadi hal biasa bagi keluarga yang kurang merencanakan arus masuk maupun keluar keuangan keluarga. Atau bisa dibilang terjadi mismach antara arus masuk dan keluar (kurangnya dana likuid untuk dapat membayar keperluan mendadak atau emergency).
Pak Ari sebut saja demikian namanya. Kepala keluarga dengan seorang anak yang masih balita. Beberapa waktu lalu anak semata wayangnya terserang penyakit yang sekarang ini sedang berjangkit di Jabodetabek, yaitu demam berdarah. Untungnya cepat dibawa kerumah sakit dan langsung mendapatkan pengobatan yang baik. Karena penyakitnya cukup parah, Atila demikian nama anak Pak Ari diharuskan untuk tinggal dirumah sakit sampai cukup baik untuk pulang.
Lima (5) hari berlalu dan Anita diperbolehkan pulang. Kerisauan serta kegaluhan Pak Simon berlalu sudah karena anak tercinta sudah membaik dan diperbolehkan pulang. Akan tetapi ada satu hal yang masih menjadi problema adalah biaya. Ternyata begitu keluar Pak Simon diharuskan untuk membayar lunas tagihan biaya berobat serta menginap di rumah sakit. Besarnya biaya sekitar Rp 3 juta-an. Cukup besar untuk keluarga pak Simon untuk dapat dibayarkan sekaligus.
Simon merasa kebingungan bagaimana ia dapat membayar tagihan tersebut? Dana yang ada di tabungan tidak mencukupi. Kurang nyaman untuk pinjam ke sanak keluarga atau teman. Pak Simon berpikir apakah ada alternatif pinjaman jangka pendek dengan persyaratan administrasi yang mudah tanpa harus banyak memakan waktu? Meminjam di bank? Terlalu banyak persyaratan dan memakan waktu yang lama untuk proses administrasinya. Bagaimana dengan jasa pegadaian? Aha.. mungkin itulah solusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh Pak Ari.
Alternatif Jasa Penggadaian
Perum pegadaian merupakan sarana alternatif dana cash dan sudah ada sejak lama serta sudah banyak dikenal masyarakat Indonesia. Apalagi di kota-kota kecil di seluruh Indonesia. Akan tetapi banyak orang yang merasa malu untuk datang ke kantor pegadaian terdekat. Maklum, selama ini, pegadaian sangat identik dengan kesusahan atau kesengsaraan. Tidak heran bila yang datang ke sana umumnya berpenampilan lusuh dengan wajah tertekan.
Akan tetapi, belakangan ini Perum Pegadaian mulai bersolek dan membangun citra baru melalui berbagai media, termasuk media televisi, dengan motto barunya, "Menyelesaikan Masalah Tanpa Masalah"
Perum Pegadaian sudah seratus tahun lebih hadir di kancah keuangan Indonesia. Masyarakat kota-kota kecil di Indonesia pada umumnya sudah mengenal dan mengetahui perihal Perum Pegadaian. Perum Pegadain hadir sebagai institusi yang menjadi sumber pembiayaan jangka pendek dengan syarat mudah yang tidak "ngejelimet"
Hanya dengan membawa agunan, apapun bentuknya asalkan berupa benda bernilai ekonomis yang dilengkapi dengan surat kepemilikan serta identitas diri, seseorang bisa mendapatkan pinjaman sesuai dengan nilai taksiran barang tersebut.
Sejak berdirinya di tahun 1901, perusahaan yang bernaung di bawah Departemen Keuangan ini tidak hanya terfokus pada kegiatan bisnis semata, namun dituntut pula untuk menjalankan misi sosial sebagai lembaga yang menjadi sandaran masyarakat di kala susah. Itu sebabnya mengapa Perum Pegadaian memiliki kebijakan pinjaman dalam rentang nilai dari Rp 5,000 sampai Rp 20 juta/surat gadai.
Perhitungan bunga diberlakukan setiap 15 hari. Dengan demikian, penggadai yang menerima uang sebesar Rp 40.000 hanya perlu membayar pokok plus bunga pinjaman 1.25 persen bila bisa menebus barangnya sebelum masa 15 hari.
Perum Pegadaian selalu memberikan alternatif penyelesaian termudah bagi peminjam (penggadai) dalam membayar kredit. Selalu ada kesempatan bagi nasabah untuk memperpanjang masa pinjaman, mencicil pokok, atau membayar bunga pinjaman saja. Tidak demikian dengan sarana pinjaman kredit di institusi perbankan. Akan lebih sulit dalam rangka memperpanjang atau mencoba untuk bernegosiasi mengenai hutang Anda.
Bila mana nasabah tidak melakukan upaya pelunasan kredit sama sekali dan tidak pula memperpanjang umur kredit, Perum Pegadaian akan melelang barang gadaian. Nasabah masih diberi hak mendapatkan uang lelang jika hasil lelang yang diterima melebihi nilai hutang pokok ditambah sewa modal dan biaya lelang. Dan jika hasil lelang lebih kecil dari kewajiban nasabah, hal itu menjadi risiko yang harus ditanggung Perum Pegadaian.

Untuk mendapatkan pinjaman, barang-barang yang akan Anda gadaikan terlebih dahulu harus ditaksir oleh petugas penaksir. Tujuannya adalah menghitung besarnya jumlah pinjaman yang dapat Anda peroleh.
Berdasarkan jumlah pinjaman itu, akan ditentukan golongan pinjaman Anda dan berapa tingkat bunga yang harus ditanggung. Misalnya, pinjaman Anda berada dalam golongan A, maka nilai pinjaman yang dapat diperoleh adalah 84 persen dari nilai taksir barang yang Anda gadaikan. Sementara untuk golongan B, C, dan D umumnya dapat memperoleh pinjaman sebesar 89 persen dari nilai taksir.
Bila Anda meminjan dari sektor perbankan misalnya, ada beberapa biaya yang harus Anda keluarkan misalnya biaya administrasi atau pengikatan jaminan. Hal ini tidak ada pada Perum Pegadaian. Prosedurnya pun sangat sederhana. Anda cukup datang ke Kantor Pegadaian, langsung ke loket penaksir dan menyerahkan barang yang akan digadaikan.
Tentunya Anda harus memperlihatkan identitas diri berupa kartu tanda pengenal (KTP) atau surat kuasa apabila barang yang akan digadaikan bukan milik Anda.
Selanjutnya oleh penaksir, kualitas barang jaminan itu diteliti dan ditaksir berapa harganya. Kemudian penaksir akan menentukan jumlah pinjaman yang dapat Anda peroleh. Setelah perhitungan itu selesai, Anda dapat meneriman pembayarn uang pinjaman melalui loket kasir tanpa dipungut biaya apapun, kecuali potongan premi asuransi.
Demikian pula bila Anda ingin melunasi. Pelunasan itu sendiri tidak harus menunggu jatuh tempo. Artinya, bila jangka waktu pinjaman Anda adalah 4 bulan, Anda dapat saja melunasi, kendati periode pinjaman belum berakhir. Konsekuensinya jelas, makin cepat Anda lunasi, makin sedikit pula beban bunga yang Anda tanggung.
Prosedur pelunasan pinjaman juga sangat sederhana. Anda cukup datang kembali ke Kantor Pegadaian, menghubungi loket kasir, membayar pokok pinjaman plus bunga dengan dilampiri bukti surat gadai. Selanjutnya, Anda akan mendapatkan kembali barang yang telah digadaikan. Mudah bukan?
Perum Pegadaian juga menyediakan jasa lain di luar jasa gadai, yaitu meliputi jasa titipan dan jasa taksiran. Jasa titipan menyangkut layanan penitipan barang berharga seperti perhiasan, surat berharga atau brang lain. Tarif yang dibebankan untuk layanan ini adalah Rp. 2,500/item.
Sedangkan jasa taksiran, meliputi layanan dalam bentuk jasa penilaian terhadap barang berharga, terutama emas dan berlian, khususnya dalam hal penilaian kualitas, kuantitas maupun spesifikasi lain yang sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat yang awam dalam hal ini.
Melihat semakin berkembangnya pola bisnis berbasis syariah, Perum Pegadaian tertarik untuk menerapkan pola ini, walau nantinya tidak hanya menjadi pegadaian syariah akan tetapi memberikan pilihan lebih kepada masyarakat, mau memilih pegadaian konvensional atau pegadaian syariah.
Dengan pola pegadaian syariah, memungkinkan perusahaan untuk proaktif dan lebih produktif menghasilkan berbagai produk jasa keuangan modern seperti jasa anjak piutang dan jasa sewa beli.
Pegadaian konvensional lebih memposisikan perusahaan sebagai pihak yang pasif tidak terlibat dengan aktifitas bisnis nasabah. Tapi dalam sisitem syariah, untuk produk-produk tertentu mengharuskan perusahaan untuk terlibat dalam menelaah usaha produktif yang ditekuni nasabah.
Gadai Emas Syariah Mandiri
Jasa gadai sebenarnya tidak hanya diberikan oleh Perum Pegadaian. Beberapa Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) juga melayani jasa ini. Namun, tentu saja dalam skala yang lebih kecil. Demikian pula bank. Walau dalam bank konvensional tidak dikenal jasa pegadaian akan tetapi bila bertemu dengan bank dengan pola syariah maka hal ini dimungkinkan. Sebut saja Bank Syariah Mandiri yang mengeluarkan jasa gadai dengan sebutan Gadai Emas Syariah Mandiri
Pada dasarnya jasa gadai syariah dan konvensional hampir sama, yang membedakannya hanyalah mengenai pengenaan biaya. Pada gadai konvensional, biaya adalah bunga yang bersifat akumulatif. Sedangkan perbankan syariah biaya gadai ditetapkan sekali dan dibayarkan dimuka.
Gadai Emas Syariah Mandiri juga memberikan kemudahan bagi nasabah yang mengalami kesulitan pelunasan pinjaman, dengan memberikan masa tenggang 15 hari sejak jatuh tempo.
Juga, atas kebijakan bank, nasabah juga dapat memperpanjang masa pinjaman. Walau masa perpanjangan dibatasi sampai 2 kali dari masa gadai. Tidak seperti halnya gadai konvensional yang memberikan perpanjangan masa pinjaman tak terbatas selama nasabah mampu membayar bunga.
Dalam gadai syariah batas maksimal pinjaman yang dapat diberikan adalah 75 persen dari nilai taksiran. Nilai pinjaman antara Rp 250 ribu sampai Rp 50 juta.
Dana tunai pinjaman dapat diambil melalui ATM mandiri. Namun, karena usaha pokok Bank Syariah Mandiri adalah perbankan, maka terdapat keterbatsan-keterbatasan, antara lain dari ruang penyimpanan, keahlian dan pengalaman. Sehingga barang yang biasanya dapat digadaikan adalah emas.
Jasa Gadai
Dari kedua alternatif pilihan sistem gadai, masing-masing menawarkan kelebihan serta kekurangan yang berbeda-beda. Namun, secara prinsip keduanya tetap menawarkan hal yang sama yaitu sistem gadai sebagai altenatif pendanaan atau pinjaman. Ada satu hal penting yang menurut hemat kami perlu Anda pertimbangkan sebelum memutuskan untuk menggunakan jasa gadai ini.
Jasa gadai ini sebaiknya hanya digunakan di saat keadaaan darurat atau kekurangan cashflow atau mismach (arus kas keuangan keluarga). Sehingga hal ini dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu yang relatif singkat (jangka pendek). Jangan sekali-kali menggunakan jasa gadai ini untuk hal-hal konsumtif.
Pada prinsipnya bila Anda tidak benar-benar sedang butuh sebaiknya jasa gadai ini tidak digunakan. Hal ini dapat menjadi pilihan bila keadaaan darurat dan Anda tidak memiliki akses mudah ke bank serta membutuhkan dana untuk kebutuhan mendadak (cepat). Jadi satu kalimat yang menjadi penting dalam mengambil jasa pegadaian adalah kebutuhan darurat yang harus dipenuhi secara cepat karena ketinggalan arus masuk dan dapat diselesaiakan sesegera mungkin.
Jadi secara umum sudah ada dua jenis jasa pegadaian yaitu, jasa gadai konvesioanl dengan pola bunga serta pembayaran bersama pokoknya dan jasa gadai syariah dengan perbedaan mendasar dalam hal pembayaran biaya.
Biaya yang dikenakan dalam sistem gadai syariah hanya dibayarkan satu kali dimuka dengan tujuan biaya penitipan, pemeliharaan dan biaya penjagaan. Masing-masing jasa memberikan kelebihan yang berbeda-beda. Jadi pelajari serta cari tau mana pola jasa yang ingin Anda pilih. Semoga bermanfaat. ***


al jefferson

Did the Mavericks miss out on acquiring Al Jefferson?

al jefferson
The Utah Jazz have moved into the lead of the Al Jefferson sweepstakes and are trying to complete a deal with the Minnesta Timberwolves, according to a report by ESPN's Marc Stein.
The Dallas Mavericks were originally thought to be the frontrunners to bring in the Timberwolves' big man, but talks hit a roadblock Monday and the Jazz now appear to be in the driver's seat, according to Stein.
"The Dallas Mavericks were widely believed to be the league's most serious suitor for Jefferson in recent days and moved closer to a deal with the Wolves over the weekend than the teams previously had been, according to sources with knowledge of the talks," Stein wrote.
According to Stein, talks between the Mavericks and Timberwolves slowed down when the Mavericks pushed for the Timberwolves to take on contracts of Matt Carroll and DeShawn Stevenson. The trade talks were reportedly centering around the valuable non-guaranteed $13 million contract of Erick Dampier as well as two future first-round picks in exchange for the 6-foot-10 Jefferson, who averaged more than 17 points and nine rebounds per game last season.
A deal with the Jazz could be more appealing for the Timberwolves because the Jazz could make a deal without the Timberwolves having to take on contracts of other players, according to Stein.
Greg Miller, the CEO of the Utah Jazz, tweeted about a deal late Monday night which presumably could be a trade that would bring Jefferson to Salt Lake City.
"I just approved a Jazz roster move that I'm very excited about. Planning to share details tomorrow," Miller said on his Twitter account, @GregInUtah.

Monday, July 12, 2010

jennie finch

Twitter Tuesday: Jennie Finch

If someone were to ask me what it takes to be part of Twitter Tuesday, I really wouldn't know how to answer.

Sometimes, it'll be someone that I've recently discovered (@Broshuis)...other times, it could be someone who simply makes me laugh (@CJNitkowski). Other times, it could be a collection of tweets that personify how the masses feel about a certain topic.

This week, all it takes is being the wife of a current Major Leaguer.

Of course, a 70-plus mph riseball, a gold medal in the 2004 Olympics and, according to TIME magazine, being the "most famous softball player in history" doesn't hurt either.

This past week, she took part in the Major League Baseball Celebrity Softball Game and shared plenty of pictures.
jennie finch

harvey pekar

Harvey Pekar, Who Chronicled Ordinary Lives in ‘American Splendor’ Comics, Dies

A comic-book rendering of Harvey Pekar from his 2005 autobiographical work, “The Quitter.”

Harvey Pekar, the irascible writer who spun the mundane details of his own life and the quotidian existences of his fellow Cleveland residents into comic-book narratives, and who showed that the comic-book panel could include everyday feelings of anxiety and disappointment as easily as it does the adventures of costumed heroes, has died, The Plain Dealer of Cleveland reported. He was 70.
A spokesman for the Cuyahoga County Coroner’s office told The Plain Dealer that Mr. Pekar was found dead by his wife, Joyce Brabner, about 1 a.m. An autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death. Mr. Pekar was given a diagnosis of lymphatic cancer in 1990, an experience he documented in the graphic novel “Our Cancer Year.”
Mr. Pekar was best known for his on-again, off-again comics series “American Splendor,” whose title deliberately contrasted with the everyday people it documented (often the author himself). A wide range of illustrators contributed to its pages, most famously R. Crumb, who first met Mr. Pekar in Cleveland in the 1960s and encouraged him to turn the stories he gathered on his travels through the city into comics.
Mr. Pekar enjoyed a brief and uneasy fame in the 1980s as an occasional guest of “Late Night With David Letterman.” A film version of “American Splendor” was released in 2003, starring Paul Giamatti as Mr. Pekar.

cindy blackman

ENGAGED: Carlos Santana Proposes to Cindy Blackman on Tour

cindy blackman
 ENGAGED: Carlos Santana Proposes To Cindy Blackman On Tour
Grammy-winning musician Carlos Santana proposed to his girlfriend, acclaimed drummer Cindy Blackman, during a concert stop on his Universal Tone Tour this past weekend in Tinley Park, Ill.

The 62-year-old guitarist popped the question to the 50-year-old drummer onstage after the fourth song in his concert set, 'Corazon Espindo.'

Blackman had just performed a drum solo on Santana's song before the Arista Records artist asked her to be his wife. After she accepted, the couple locked lips, and the audience broke out into cheers.

"Cindy and I are blessed to have found each other. Being in love is a gift from the universe, and the spirit and vibrations that come with it are infinitely powerful. I look forward to expressinCarlos Santanag that incredible energy through my music, and in helping to tip the balance toward more love in the world with what Cindy and I share," said Santana said in a statement to BV Buzz.

Santana, who is best known for hits like 'Smooth,' 'Maria Maria,' 'Nothing at All,' 'Oye Como Va' and 'Black Magic Woman,' will play a string of late August/early September performances of 'Supernatural Santana: A Trip Through the Hits' at the Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas.

Blackman is a jazz and rock drummer who has recorded and toured extensively with Lenny Kravitz and played with a wide range of artists, including Pharoah Sanders, Cassandra Wilson, Angela Bofill and Bill Laswell.

Santana was previously married to Deborah King, the daughter of the late blues singer and guitarist Saunders King. The couple, who divorced after 34 years in 2007, have three children: Salvador, Stella and Angelica.

10 Search Engines to Explore the Invisible Web

10 Search Engines to Explore the Invisible Web

No, it’s not Spiderman’s latest web slinging tool but something that’s more real world. Like the World Wide Web.

The Invisible Web refers to the part of the WWW that’s not indexed by the search engines. Most of us think that that search powerhouses like Google and Bing are like the Great Oracle…they see everything. Unfortunately, they can’t because they aren’t divine at all; they are just web spiders who index pages by following one hyperlink after the other.
But there are some places where a spider cannot enter. Take library databases which need a password for access. Or even pages that belong to private networks of organizations. Dynamically generated web pages in response to a query are often left un-indexed by search engine spiders.

Search engine technology has progressed by leaps and bounds. Today, we have real time search and the capability to index Flash based and PDF content. Even then, there remain large swathes of the web which a general search engine cannot penetrate. The term, Deep Net, Deep Web or Invisible Web lingers on.
To get a more precise idea of the nature of this ‘Dark Continent’ involving the invisible and web search engines, read what Wikipedia has to say about the Deep Web. The figures are attention grabbers – the size of the open web is 167 terabytes. The Invisible Web is estimated at 91,000 terabytes. Check this out – the Library of Congress, in 1997, was figured to have close to 3,000 terabytes!
How do we get to this mother load of information?
That’s what this post is all about. Let’s get to know a few resources which will be our deep diving vessel for the Invisible Web. Some of these are invisible web search engines with specifically indexed information.


invisible web search engines
Infomine has been built by a pool of libraries in the United States. Some of them are University of California, Wake Forest University, California State University, and the University of Detroit. Infomine ‘mines’ information from databases, electronic journals, electronic books, bulletin boards, mailing lists, online library card catalogs, articles, directories of researchers, and many other resources.
You can search by subject category and further tweak your search using the search options. Infomine is not only a standalone search engine for the Deep Web but also a staging point for a lot of other reference information. Check out its Other Search Tools and General Reference links at the bottom.

The WWW Virtual Library

invisible web search engines
This is considered to be the oldest catalog on the web and was started by started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the web. So, isn’t it strange that it finds a place in the list of Invisible Web resources? Maybe, but the WWW Virtual Library lists quite a lot of relevant resources on quite a lot of subjects. You can go vertically into the categories or use the search bar. The screenshot shows the alphabetical arrangement of subjects covered at the site.


invisible web search engines
Intute is UK centric, but it has some of the most esteemed universities of the region providing the resources for study and research. You can browse by subject or do a keyword search for academic topics like agriculture to veterinary medicine. The online service has subject specialists who review and index other websites that cater to the topics for study and research.
Intute also provides free of cost over 60 free online tutorials to learn effective internet research skills. Tutorials are step by step guides and are arranged around specific subjects.

Complete Planet

search invisible web
Complete Planet calls itself the ‘front door to the Deep Web’. This free and well designed directory resource makes it easy to access the mass of dynamic databases that are cloaked from a general purpose search. The databases indexed by Complete Planet number around 70,000 and range from Agriculture to Weather. Also thrown in are databases like Food & Drink and Military.
For a really effective Deep Web search, try out the Advanced Search options where among other things, you can set a date range.


search invisible web
Infoplease is an information portal with a host of features. Using the site, you can tap into a good number of encyclopedias, almanacs, an atlas, and biographies. Infoplease also has a few nice offshoots like for kids and Biosearch, a search engine just for biographies.


search invisible web
DeepPeep aims to enter the Invisible Web through forms that query databases and web services for information. Typed queries open up dynamic but short lived results which cannot be indexed by normal search engines. By indexing databases, DeepPeep hopes to track 45,000 forms across 7 domains.
The domains covered by DeepPeep (Beta) are Auto, Airfare, Biology, Book, Hotel, Job, and Rental. Being a beta service, there are occasional glitches as some results don’t load in the browser.


how to use the invisible web
IncyWincy is an Invisible Web search engine and it behaves as a meta-search engine by tapping into other search engines and filtering the results. It searches the web, directory, forms, and images. With a free registration, you can track search results with alerts.


how to use the invisible web
DeepWebTech gives you five search engines (and browser plugins) for specific topics. The search engines cover science, medicine, and business. Using these topic specific search engines, you can query the underlying databases in the Deep Web.


how to use the invisible web
Scirus has a pure scientific focus. It is a far reaching research engine that can scour journals, scientists’ homepages, courseware, pre-print server material, patents and institutional intranets.


TechXtra concentrates on engineering, mathematics and computing. It gives you industry news, job announcements, technical reports, technical data, full text eprints, teaching and learning resources along with articles and relevant website information.
Just like general web search, searching the Invisible Web is also about looking for the needle in the haystack. Only here, the haystack is much bigger. The Invisible Web is definitely not for the casual searcher. It is a deep but not dark because if you know what you are searching for, enlightenment is a few keywords away.
Do you venture into the Invisible Web? Which is your preferred search tool?


uganda news

Uganda News : American killed in Uganda bombing

uganda news
An American national was killed in a twin bomb explosions which also killed more than 30 others in Kampala, Uganda’s capital, on Sunday night, the U.S. embassy said.
“At this time we can confirm that one American has been killed,” said an embassy official.
Hundreds of local people were watching the World Cup final at the Kyadondo Rugby Club as the first blast occurred shortly after 11 pm local time (2000 GMT). The second blast was reported at an Ethiopian restaurant.
 Uganda News : American killed in Uganda bombing

2010 Mercedes E550 Review

2010 Mercedes E550 Review
With so much improved about the all-new 2010 E-Class, hold on to your wallet, because there’s more to come 

Mercedes-Benz is in the midst of a product renaissance. The CLS started the ball rolling, while the revamped C-Class, SL, new GLK and SLS AMG have kept the world buzzing. However, the new E-Class is the one that matters the most. 
Available as a coupe, convertible or sedan, the E hits the broadest point in the company’s line-up. And while the four-door E350 and E63 AMG offer either great value or massive performance at either end of the spectrum, it’s the E550 that tries to balance those two attributes.


As expected, the E550 differentiates itself by its engine: in this case, a 5.5-liter V8 that produces 382 hp at 6000 rpm and 391 ft-lbs of torque from 2800 to 4800 rpm. It’s still reasonably competitive compared to its rivals and the standard seven-speed automatic transmission allows for a quick 0-60 mph sprint of just 5.2 seconds. The sound doesn’t have the sharp, muscle car roar of the AMG cars, but it is throaty enough.
Fuel efficiency isn’t bad either, with 16/24-mpg (city/highway) being above average in the class. Because of some creative construction techniques, curb weight is relatively svelte at 4,034 lb.


When it comes to putting that power to the road, the E-Class is a willing partner. It banishes the waftiness that came standard with every previous generation car. What’s left is a machine that’s much more controlled on every surface. It doesn’t have the right-now reflexes of a sharpened BMW 5-Series, but it’s not sloppy either. The standard 17-inch wheels are stylish, and the low-ish profile tires don’t beat you up over rough pavement.
The steering is responsive and offers a decent level of feedback through the wheel. And the brakes are fuss free, backed up by standard ABS and brake assist.


Other than cheating by looking at the badges, it’s difficult to spot the differences between the lesser V6 models and the more powerful ones. Regardless of engine, the E550 features chiseled flanks with ‘those’ rear arches, and it is miles more attractive than the bland-new 5-Series or over-the-hill Audi A6.
This brings the potential buyer to a serious decision: you can have your E550 in two flavors, regular or spicy, with no extra cost. The Luxury Styling is the more traditional, with the smaller wheels, wood-lined interior and softer settings. The Sport Styling throws on deeper sills, 18-inch AMG wheels, aluminum accents instead of the lumber, and a three-spoke AMG steering wheel. The changes are subtle – but the driving experience is so good to start with. And the sport suspension settings firm things up nicely.
One other mechanical option is the company’s 4MATIC all-wheel drive, which adds $2,500 to the bottom line. 4MATIC also adds just over 100 lbs. of weight and makes it slightly slower to 60 mph (5.3 sec), but adds a big measure of stability in harsher climes.


Speaking of harsher climes, the E550’s cabin gives you plenty of space required to get away from the crush of everyday hassles. The seats are comfortable and supportive, the gauges are clear and bright, and the dash mimics the no-nonsense style of the C-Class, but with better materials. The rear seats won’t make passengers feel unwanted either.
But, since this is a very German car, the list of options and packages is lengthy. The Premium 1 package adds a hard-drive based navigation system with voice control, a harmon/kardon audio system, a rear-view camera, power rear sunshade, and heated and cooled front seats, all for $4,400. Stump up another $2,200 to upgrade to Premium package 2, and you get active bi-xenon headlights, LED running lights, heated headlight washers and Keyless-Go.
For those who don’t like paying attention to traffic, the $2,900 Driver Assistance Package includes Distronic active cruise control with Pre-Safe braking, along with blind spot assist and lane keeping assist. Further standalone options include anything from Parktronic, to split-folding rear seats, to a night-vision pedestrian-detection system.


Start adding any of those to the E550’s base price of $56,300 and without much trouble, you’re looking at the nearly $70,000. Hardly a value proposition. With the new twin-turbo V8 5-Series and 400-plus horsepower Infiniti M56 rolling into dealerships soon, the E550 will be outgunned for at least a year while Mercedes-Benz rolls out its new twin-turbo 4.7-liter V8 to fight fire with fire.
Until then, the E550 still delivers more than its badge promises, which reflects the company’s positive change in attitude towards building great products. And it does successfully straddle the line between performance and panache.

josh childress

Report: Suns to Acquire Hedo Turkoglu, Josh Childress

josh childress

The Suns are wasting no time in attempting to fill the gaping hole in their lineup left by the loss of Amar'e Stoudemire to the Knicks in free agency. The question is, are they doing it with the right pieces?

Paul Coro of the Arizona Republic is reporting that Phoenix is "on the verge" of sending Leandro Barbosa to the Toronto Raptors in exchange for Hedo Turkoglu. The Suns will give up part of the trade exception they received for Stoudemire to make the numbers work, since Turkoglu has four years left on his contract at about $11 million a season.

Phoenix is also working out a sign-and-trade with Atlanta to acquire the rights to Josh Childress, who played four seasons for the Hawks before leaving to play in Greece in 2008. The Suns are said to be parting with a second-round draft pick to acquire Childress, who is expected to be signed to a five-year, $30 million deal in Phoenix.

The benefits of the Turkoglu deal are difficult to envision from the Suns' standpoint, especially if they're penciling him in as their starting power forward next season. Turkoglu has always been more of a playmaker type who has done well with the ball in his hands, which is great and all -- unless Steve Nash is your point guard. 
Turkoglu isn't exactly going to be working that pick and roll from the top of the circle with Nash the same way that Stoudemire could; Hedo simply doesn't have the quickness or the athleticism to do so. What Turkoglu does provide is yet another three-point shooting threat for teams to deal with, and another Phoenix option beyond Nash who can create offense for both himself and for others.

Defense and rebounding were things that Stoudemire was often criticized for during his time in Phoenix, and Turkoglu seems to be worse than Amar'e in both of those areas. He doesn't have the frame to bang down low with opposing teams' big men, and his rebounding numbers will make Stoudemire's average of almost nine per game seem gaudy by comparison.

Now, Turkoglu was a key component of the Magic's run to the Finals two seasons ago, and had played well enough in Orlando to make the Raptors believe he was worth that big contract. Turkoglu wasn't happy in Toronto, so maybe a change of scenery -- along with playing in the Suns' high-octane system -- will enable him to get back to the level he was playing at before last season. Right now, though, on the surface, it simply doesn't seem like the best fit.

Childress, on the other hand, should fit in with Phoenix's system quite nicely. He shot over 52 percent from the field during his four seasons in Atlanta, and can hit from three-point range at a better-than-decent clip. His length and athleticism should allow him to add a little something on the defensive end as well.

The Suns have already signed Hakim Warrick; with the additions of Turkoglu and Childress, that's three new players that are all likely to see some pretty substantial playing time next season ... on a team that was two games from making it to the NBA Finals. The loss of Stoudemire is devastating to what this Suns team had evolved into last season. It will be interesting to see if the pieces the Suns are adding to replace him will be the right ones to keep them competing deep into the playoffs again next year.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Rape -Axe: the Anti rape Condom

This is so brilliant! An anti-rape female condom invented by Sonette Ehlers… A South African women working as a blood technician with the South African Blood Transfusion Service, during which time she met and treated many rape victims.
The device, known as The Rape-aXe, is a latex sheath embedded with shafts of sharp, inward-facing microscopic barbs that would be worn by a woman in her vagina like a tampon. If an attacker were to attempt vaginal rape, their penis would enter the latex sheath and be snagged by the barbs, causing the attacker pain during withdrawal and (ideally) giving the victim time to escape. The condom would remain attached to the attacker’s body when he withdrew and could only be removed surgically, which would alert hospital staff and police. This device could assist in the identification and prosecution of rapists.

the glades

What's On Tonight: 'Hannah Montana,' 'The Glades,' 'Big Brother,' 'Kate Plus 8'

the glades

'The Glades' premieres on A&E at 10 p.m.
Here's tonight's lineup of new shows and events (all times Eastern). Check your local
TV listings for additional information.

Another big Sunday night, with premieres of 'Hannah Montana Forever' and 'The Glades.' Plus, more crazy Gosselin antics on 'Kate Plus 8.'

7:00 to 8:00
CBS: '60 Minutes'
FOX: 'Sons of Tucson'
NBC: 'Dateline NBC'

8:00 to 9:00
CBS: 'Big Brother'
Cartoon Network: 'Unnatural History'
Disney: 'Hannah Montana Forever'* and 'Good Luck Charlie'
Food Network: 'Food Network Challenge'
NatGeo: 'Drugs Inc.'
Style: 'The Dish Presents Weddings Gone Wild'

The rest of the schedule after the jump.

9:00 to 10:00
ABC: 'Scoundrels'
PBS: 'Masterpiece Mystery!' -- 'Murder on the Orient Express'
Disney: 'Jonas L.A.'
Food Network: 'The Next Food Network Star' -- 90 minutes
Lifetime: 'Drop Dead Diva'
History: 'Ice Road Truckers'
HBO: 'True Blood'
HGTV: 'House Hunters' and 'House Hunters International'
MSNBC: 'Caught on Camera'
NatGeo: 'Drugs Inc.'
SyFy: 'Inside Secret Government Warehouses: Shocking Revelations' -- 2 hours
TLC: 'Kate Plus 8'
TNT: 'Leverage'
VH1: 'Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch'* -- NFL player Chad 'Ochocinco' Johnson tries to find love among a group of 85 women. Ninety minutes
We: 'Bridezillas'

10:00 to 11:00
ABC: 'The Gates'
A&E: 'The Glades'*
Cartoon Network (via Adult Swim): 'Children's Hospital'* -- 10:30 start
Comedy Central: 'Kevin Hart: Seriously Funny'
E!: 'Holly's World'
Food Network: 'Kid in a Candy Store'* -- 10:30 start
HBO: 'Hung' and 'Entourage'
HGTV: 'Design Star'
History: 'Top Shot'
NatGeo: 'Expedition Great White'
Lifetime: 'Army Wives'
Showtime: 'The Real L Word'
TLC: 'Bakery Bunch'
truTV: 'Las Vegas Jailhouse'*
VH1: 'The T.O. Show'*
We: 'My Fair Wedding With David Tutera'

Rest In Peace: Walter Hawkins

Rest In Peace: Walter Hawkins

Gospel great (an overused term but most appropriate here) Bishop Walter L. Hawkins died today after battling with cancer for some time.We send our prayers and support to Edwin Hawkins, Lynette Hawkins-Stephens, his former wife Tremaine Hawkins, his son Jamie Hawkins(Walter Hawkins Jr.), his daughter Trystan, The Love Center Church and all of his family and friends.
Many of us learned of Walter’s sickness earlier this year when he was unable to attend the Stellar Awards In January. Last month, we thought that he would attend to attend he and his brother’s annual “Music & Arts Love Fellowship Conference” in Chicago this past June but ultimately he was unable to attend. Walter was one of the most influential voices and songwriters in gospel music. His true tenor voice was one to strive for and remained consistent throughout his entire career. As a songwriter, he wrote classic and memorable songs that you’ve undoubtedly sung at some point in your gospel life. For me personally, Walter Hawkins had songs that were literally the soundtrack to major milestones in my spiritual development. (“Thank You Lord” still puts a knot in my throat and I have to sing along and it’s not unusual for me to cry when I hear it. ) An artist for over 40 years, many of his song were probably recorded before you were born. But the minute you hear the opening chords, you know them today in 2010. If you think I’m lying. Let’s just go down a SHORT list:
1. Thank You (probably one of the most popular gospel songs ever after “Oh Happy Day”)
2. Be Grateful
3. Going Up Yonder
4. Changed
5. When The Battle Is Over
6. God Is Standing By
7. It’s Right And Good
8. Try Christ
9. Never Alone
10. It’s Right & Good
11. Marvelous
And I could keep going.  I can’t even get into the hits and memorable songs he sang with his brother Edwin and The Hawkins Family or with other artists such as Donald Lawrence’s “Seasons.” It’s hard for me to type this piece because it’s still very fresh and difficult. So as I always do when a great artist that I’m a fan of passes on, I’ll just linger in the music for a little while. Take a listen below to some selected tracks either sung or written by Walter Hawkins and reflect with me. Walter, we miss you and thanks for leaving us music that thankfully will never die.

[Tips] Waspada Keylogger di Warnet

[Tips] Waspada Keylogger di Warnet

Fungsi keylogger adalah untuk mengetahui segala aktivitas yang sedang di lakukan kita yang sedang ber-internet ria di warnet-warnet yang kebetulan ada orang iseng yang menyusupkan Keylogger di computer yang sedang kita mainkan.
Apa Bahaya dari keylogger?
Tentu saja Keylogger bisa membahayakan privasi kita dan ketentraman kita ber-Internet. Data-data yang kamu ketikkan akan terekam oleh keylogger seperti Username dan Password, Isi Email, Bahkan Website-website yang kita kunjungi. Bisa kamu bayangkan jika Password email kamu yang berisikan Data-data pribadi kamu seperti Nomor Kartu Kredit kamu misalnya.
Jenis Keylogger ada 2 yaitu berupa software dan Hardware, Banyak situs-situs Underground yang menyediakan Keylogger untuk dinikmati tapi kelemahan dari keylogger Software adalah Antivirus biasanya bias mengenalinya. Namun Lain halnya Hardware, hardware tidak bisa di kenali oleh Antivirus karena Keylogger jenis ini terpasang sebagai hardware di computer, contoh keylogger jenis Hardware adalah Keyboard yang bisa di beli melalui situs tertentu contonya

, orang juga sebetulnya bia memodifikasi keyboard menjadi keylogger tapi harus mempunyai kemampuan lebih.
Ada Warnet yang begitu pedulinya akan keamanan para pengunjung namun sayangnya ada juga yang cuek dan tidak peduli akan ke privasian pada netter, contohnya warnet tidak memasang DeepFreeze Tool dll yang menyangkut keamanan berinternet.
Rata-rata warnet menggunakan DeepFreeze dan Billing Explorer, ada juga yang mengganti DeepFreeze dengan tool lain, itu sah-sah saja tapi bagi pengguna sangat sensitive terhadap keamanan hal tersebut dapat memunculkan keraguan, karena orang dapat saja berpikir tidak adanya deepfreeze karena komputer tersebut sudah dilumpuhkan deepfreezenya dan ada keyloggernya, dan sebagainya.
Ada sedikit Tips sebelum ber-internet di Warnet :

1. Restar computer sebelum kita mulai ber-internet karena siapa tahu computer tersebut terpasang DeepFreeze dan jika di restart maka settingan akan kembali seperti semula.(kita bisa santai dulu, menaruh jaket, tas, dll)
2. Setelah restart dan mengaktifkan billing, pertama tekan Alt+Ctrl+Shift+F6 untuk melihat bahwa DeepFreeze aktif, ini pencegahan apabila kita mengetikan Password di computer dan lupa untuk menghapusnya maka dengan adanya deepfreeze akan terhapus otomatis setelah restart
Setelah semua diperiksa maka acces Internetpun dilakukan.
3. Jika telah selesai maka jangan lupa kita menghapus private data kita di browser yang kita gunakan contohnya kita menggunakan Browser Mozilla, maka langkah penghapusan data dengan cara klik [tool => Clear Private data] atau dengan menekan ctrl+shift+del.
4. Selanjutnya sebelum meninggalkan Warnet, Tekan tombol restart pada CPU.
Terkadang kita menyepelekan hal-hal seperti itu, tapi tidak ada salahnya kita lebih waspada toh cara pencegahan yang dilakukan juga begitu simple.


Top 10 Common Faults In Human Thought

Top 10 Common Faults In Human Thought

The human mind is a wonderful thing. Cognition, the act or process of thinking, enables us to process vast amounts of information quickly. For example, every time your eyes are open, you brain is constantly being bombarded with stimuli. You may be consciously thinking about one specific thing, but you brain is processing thousands of subconscious ideas. Unfortunately, our cognition is not perfect, and there are certain judgment errors that we are prone to making, known in the field of psychology as cognitive biases. They happen to everybody regardless of age, gender, education, intelligence, or other factors. Some of them are well known, others not, but all of them are interesting. I am sure everyone will find that one has happened to them, (I myself have been prone to several) and now will recognize when they are making an error in the future.

Gambler’s Fallacy
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The Gambler’s fallacy is the tendency to think that future probabilities are altered by past events, when in reality, they are not. Certain probabilities, such as getting a heads when you flip a (fair) coin, are always the same. The probability of getting a heads is 50%, it does not matter if you’ve gotten tails the last 10 flips. Thinking that the probabilities have changed is a common bias, especially when gambling. For example, I am playing roulette. The last four spins have landed on black, it has to be red this time right? Wrong! The probability of landing on red is still 47.37% (18 red spots divided by 38 total spots). This may sound obvious, but this bias has caused many a gambler to lose money thinking the probabilities have changed.

Reactivity is the tendency of people to act or appear differently when they know that they are being observed. In the 1920s, Hawthorne Works (a manufacturing facility) commissioned a study to see if different levels of light influenced worker productivity. What they found was incredible, changing the light caused productivity to soar! Unfortunately, when the study was finished, productivity levels decreased to their regular levels. This was because the change in productivity was not due to the light levels, but to the workers being watched. This demonstrated a form of reactivity; when individuals know they are being watched, they are motivated to change their behavior, generally to make themselves look better. Reactivity is a serious problem in research, and has to be controlled in blind experiments (“Blind” is when individuals involved in a research study are purposely withheld information so as not to influence the outcomes).

Pareidolia is when random images or sounds are perceived as significant. Seeing clouds in the shapes of dinosaurs, Jesus on a hot pocket, or hearing messages when a record is played backward are common examples of pareidolia. The common element is that the stimulus is neutral, it does not have intentional meaning; the meaning is in the viewer’s perception.
Interesting Fact: the Rorschach Inkblot test was developed to use pareidolia to tap into people’s mental states. Testees are shown images of ambiguous pictures, and asked to describe what they see. Responses are analyzed to discover the testee’s hidden thoughts.

Self-fulfilling Prophecy
Self-fulfilling prophecy is engaging in behaviors that obtain results that confirm existing attitudes. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that causes itself to become true. For example, I believe that I am going to do poorly in school, so I decrease the effort I put into my assignments and studying, and I end up doing poorly, just as I thought. Another common example is relationships; I think my relationship with my significant other is going to fail, so I start acting differently, pulling away emotionally. Because of my actions, I actually cause the relationship to fail. This is a powerful tool used by “psychics” – they implant an idea in your mind, and you eventually make it happen because you think it will.
Interesting Fact: Economic Recessions are self-fulfilling prophecies. Because a recession is 2 quarters of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) decline, you cannot know you are in a recession until you are at least 6 months into one. Unfortunately, at the first sign of decreasing GDP, the media reports a possible recession, people panic and start a chain of events that actually cause a recession.

Halo effect
Halo Effect Good And Bad Egg
The Halo effect is the tendency for an individual’s positive or negative trait to “spill over” to other areas of their personality in others’ perceptions of them. This bias happens a lot in employee performance appraisals. For example: my employee, Biff, has been late to work the past three days; I notice this and conclude that Biff is lazy and does not care about his job. There are many possible reasons why Biff was late, perhaps his car broke down, his babysitter did not show up, or there has been bad weather. The problem is, because of one negative aspect that may be out of Biff’s control, I assume that he is a bad worker.
Interesting Fact: The Physical Attractiveness Stereotype is when people assume that attractive individuals possess other socially desirable qualities, such as happiness, success and intelligence. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when attractive people are given privileged treatment such as better job opportunities and higher salaries.

Herd Mentality
Herd mentality is the tendency to adopt the opinions and follow the behaviors of the majority to feel safer and to avoid conflict. Also known as “Mob Mentality,” this is, at its most common form, peer pressure. Herd mentality explains why fads get so popular. Clothes, cars, hobbies
, styles, all it takes is a group of people who think something is cool, and it catches on.
Interesting Fact: things that are unattractive, or that would never seem cool or popular now have had huge followings due to herd mentality. Examples include parachute pants, pet rocks, mullets, cone bras, tie-dye, sea monkeys, and the 1980s (by the way, that is an ’80s guy in the picture above).

Reverse Psychology
Reactance is the urge to do the opposite of what someone wants you to do out of a need to resist a perceived attempt to constrain your freedom of choice. This is common with rebellious teenagers, but any attempt to resist authority due to perceived threats to freedom and/or choice is reactance. The individual may not have a need to do the specific behavior, however the fact that they cannot do it makes them want to.
Interesting Fact: “reverse psychology” is an attempt to influence people using reactance. Tell someone (particularly children) to do the opposite of what you really want, and they will rebel and actually end up doing what you want.

Hyperbolic Discounting
Hyperbolic discounting is the tendency for people to prefer a smaller, immediate payoff over a larger, delayed payoff. Much research has been done on decision-making, and many factors contribute to the individual decision making process. Interestingly, delay time is a big factor in choosing an alternative. Put simply, most people would choose to get 20 dollars today instead of getting 100 dollars one year from today. Normally it makes sense to choose a greater amount of money immediately than less in the future, as the value of a dollar is worth more today than it is tomorrow. Assume that the interest rate is 9%, at this interest rate, a rational person would be indifferent to taking $91.74 now, or $100 a year from now. However, it is interesting how much less we are willing to take immediately rather than wait, would you rather have $100 a year from now, or $50 immediately? How about $40 immediately? Where do you draw the line?

Escalation of Commitment
Escalation of commitment is the tendency for people to continue to support previously unsuccessful endeavors. With all the decisions people have to make, it is unavoidable that some will be unsuccessful. Of course, the logical thing to do in these instances is to change that decision or try to reverse it. However, sometimes individuals feel compelled not only to stick with their decision, but also to further invest in that decision because they have sunk costs. For example, say you use half of your life savings to start a business. After 6 months, it is evident that the business is going to be unsuccessful. The logical thing to do would be to “cut your losses” and drop the business. However, due to the sunk costs of your life savings, you feel committed to the business and invest even more money into the project hoping that the additional cash will turn the business around.

Placebo Effect
Pc 07-04-03 Placebo-1
The Placebo effect is when an ineffectual substance that is believed to have healing properties produces the desired effect. Especially common with medications, the placebo effect has been observed when individuals given a sugar pill for a real ailment report improvement. Placebos are still a scientific mystery. It is theorized that placebos cause an “Expectancy Effect”, (In cases of uncertainty, expectation is what is most likely to happen) individuals expect the pills to cure their ailments, so they feel cured. However, this does not explain how the ineffectual pills actually cause a reduction in symptoms.

who won the world cup 2010

Who won the world cup 2010
Who Won The World Cup 2010? If you missed the greatest soccer game ever, that is, the finals of the FIFA World Cup between Netherlands vs Spain, then you must be wondering who won the World Cup 2010. If you managed to watch it live online or on TV, then you obviously know.
For all those who missed the FIFA World Cup 2010 Netherlands Vs Spain match, the winner is Spain. The final score was Netherlands 0 and Spain 1.
You can get the details of the FIFA World Cup Netherlands vs Spain match here.  The goal for Spain was scored by Andres Iniesta.

iniesta shirt

Andres Iniesta scores in extra time as Spain beats Netherlands 1-0 to win first World Cup

Finally, after years of stumbling and underachieving, Spain finds itself on top of the soccer world Sunday.
With four minutes remaining to the dreaded penalty kicks, Andres Iniesta scored to lift Spain to a 1-0 win over the Netherlands for its first World Cup championship at Soccer City Stadium.
The Spanish, who had never reached the semifinals before this tournament, became the first European team to win off continent and the first team to lose its first game to capture soccer's most coveted prize.
Spain started with a stunning 1-0 first-round loss to Switzerland, but bounced back with five consecutive victories. The Spaniards topped Honduras, 2-0, and Chile, 2-1, in the group stage. They bested Portugal, 1-0, in the second round, Paraguay, 1-0, in the quarterfinals and Germany, 1-0, in the semifinals.
Fernando Torres, the underachieving forward who came on for a tired David Villa at the start of the second extra period, started the winning scoring sequence. He sent a pass from the left flank to the middle to Cesc Fabregas. Fabregas then found Iniesta on the right side and the Spanish midfielder sent a six-yard shot that goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg got a hand on, but could not stop from going into the far left post.
It was Iniesta's second goal of the tournament.
Ineiesta was awarded a yellow card for taking off his shirt during his goal celebration. It was one of 13 yellows that English referee Howard Webb handed out in this physical encounter before 4,490 spectators.
The match reminded veteran observers of the dreadful Italia '90 final in which a cynical Argentina team, led by Diego Maradona, did everything in its power to stop Germany from playing. The Germans finally prevailed, 1-0, on a penalty kick in what is considered one of the poorest World Cup championship games.
Just before the teams entered the field, security officials produced the first tackle of the night as they stopped a fan who bolted across the field toward the FIFA World Cup trophy on display. However, several security personnel just got to the man before he could grab the trophy. He was taken off the field.
Only minutes prior, Fabio Cannavaro, captain of the 2006 Italian World Cup champions, had brought the trophy onto the field.
The game pit the yellow-card hungry Dutch against the off-target Spanish.
The first half was hardly worth of a final as the Dutch resorted to thuggery.
The most active man on the field in the was Webb, who doled out 13 yellow cards and a red. Dutch defender John Heitinga was given his marching orders in the first extratime for pulling down Iniesta just outside the penalty area

spain wins world cup

Spain Wins World Cup 2010: In Pictures

spain wins world cup

Spain's Andres Iniesta lifts the World Cup trophy after their final match victory over Netherlands at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg July 11, 2010.       REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP IMAGE OF THE DAY TOP PICTURE)
Congratulations to Spain on winning the 2010 World Cup after beating Netherlands 1-0 in extra time after a goal by Andres Iniesta.
Here are photographs from this historic day in World Cup history where Spain has won the World Cup for their first time and where they are current holders on both the World Cup and European Championship.
More pictures after the jump:

Spain's Fernando Torres holds up the World Cup trophy as he celebrates with his teammates after winning their 2010 World Cup final soccer match against Netherlands at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg July 11, 2010. REUTERS/Jerry Lampen (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP)
Spain's Gerard Pique lifts the World Cup trophy after the 2010 World Cup final soccer match victory against the Netherlands at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg July 11, 2010.  REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP) Spain's David Villa celebrates with the World Cup trophy after their final match victory over Netherlands at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg July 11, 2010.        REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP)
Spain's Fernando Torres holds the World Cup trophy after the 2010 World Cup final soccer match between Netherlands and Spain at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg July 11, 2010.      REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP)
Spain's Fernando Torres (R) and Sergio Ramos kiss the World Cup trophy after the 2010 World Cup final soccer match between Netherlands and Spain at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg July 11, 2010.       REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP) Spain's Andres Iniesta lifts the World Cup trophy after their final match victory over Netherlands at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg July 11, 2010.           REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP)
Spain's Carles Puyol celebrates with the World Cup trophy after their final match victory over Netherlands at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg July 11, 2010.      REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci (SOUTH AFRICA - Tags: SPORT SOCCER WORLD CUP)
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Irish Terrier Dog Breed Description, History, Grooming, Health Issues And Living Conditions


Robert “Bobby” Spillane (PHOTO) Falls to Death


the World Cup Final 2010

dani jarque

Iniesta dedicates winning goal to Jarque

dani jarque
Andres Iniesta celebrates

 Andres Iniesta dedicated his winning goal in the World Cup final to former Espanyol defender Dani Jarque, who died after suffering a heart attack in August 2009.
Iniesta scored in extra-time in Johannesburg's Soccer City to give Spain a 1-0 victory over Netherlands and their first ever World Cup title. The triumph under Vicente del Bosque comes just two years after their victory at Euro 2008.
When Iniesta volleyed the ball past Maarten Stekelenburg he ripped off his kit to reveal a vest reading "Dani Jarque is always with us." Iniesta explained that he did so to honour the memory of his deceased friend.
"The manner in which it happened, we gave everything," Iniesta said. "To win the World Cup there are no words to describe it.
"This is for Dani Jarque, for my family, for all of the people. It is the result of hard work over a long time and some difficult moments.
"I can't quite believe this yet. I had the opportunity to score that goal that was so important for my team, and it's incredible. I've made a small contribution in a very tough game, a very rough game - there were all sorts of things happening on the pitch.
"Spain deserved to win this World Cup. It's something we have to remember and enjoy, and should feel very proud of everyone in this squad. The manner in which it happened, we gave everything. To win the World Cup - there are no words to describe it."
Spain's World Cup triumph was foretold by Paul the psychic octopus, the resident of Sea Life Oberhausen who has famously correctly predicted all of Germany's results at the World Cup finals.
When presented with two Perspex boxes, both containing mussels, he opened the one adorned with the flag of Spain rather than Netherlands on Friday.
Iniesta said: "As for the octopus, what can I say? We won. The octopus will be very popular in Spain."

See Also :

Irish Terrier Dog Breed Description, History, Grooming, Health Issues And Living Conditions


Robert “Bobby” Spillane (PHOTO) Falls to Death


the World Cup Final 2010


what time is the world cup final 2010

What Time is the World Cup Final 2010

what time is the world cup final 2010
atch What Time is the World Cup Final 2010 – Live Stream now. This is the Live Stream, keep it up! Watch it now! Enjoy the 2010 FIFA World Cup! This is really great!
According to
“The 2010 FIFA World Cup is the 19th FIFA World Cup, the premier international association football tournament, which is being held in South Africa, the first time the finals of the tournament have been staged in an African host nation. South Africa was selected as host in May 2004, beating Morocco and Egypt in a bidding process open only to African nations. The World Cup is held every four years; the previous tournament was held in Germany, while the 2014 finals will be hosted by Brazil.
The finals tournament sees 736 players representing 32 teams compete for the World Cup trophy in games held in ten stadiums across South Africa. The qualifying teams were selected through a qualification process that began in August 2007. With a pool of entrants comprising 204 of the 208 FIFA national teams, the 2010 World Cup shares with the 2008 Summer Olympics the record for most competing nations in a sporting event.
The finals began on 11 June with the group stage, in which the 32 qualifying teams played in round-robin groups of four teams for points, with the top two teams in each group proceeding. These 16 teams advanced to the knockout stage beginning on 26 June, in which games level after normal time are settled using extra time and, if necessary, a penalty shootout, up to and including the World Cup Final, scheduled for 11 July at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg. The final will be contested by the Netherlands and Spain. These two teams have never won the World Cup before, thus confirming a new world champion, and will be the first time that there have been two different European champions in succession.”
Enjoy watching now!

irish terrier

Irish Terrier Dog Breed Description, History, Grooming, Health Issues And Living Conditions

irish terrier
Description: The Irish Terrier is a medium-sized breed, that is slightly longer than it is tall. This breed has a long head ,that is flat between the ears. In show dogs, the ears are glued, using a special glue, to the top of their heads. This forms the correct shape, as the cartilage fills in. This will give us the V shape folded forward in the direction of the outer corner of the eyes. The Irish Terrier teeth meet in a scissor or level bite. This breed has a black nose, and has long whiskers with a bearded muzzle. The stock has small eyes that are dark in colour, with bushy eyebrows which are a feature of the breed. It has muscular, strong straight front legs. In countries that permit docking, the tale is docked to about a quarter. They have a thick wiry coat that is close to the body. This comes in solid colours; golden red, bright red, red Wheaton, all Wheaton, a small patch of white is permitted on the chest. This breed has a double coat, with the undercoat being soft. The Irish terrier stands at about 18 inches in height, and weighs 25 to 27 pounds.
History: It is believed, this is one of the oldest breeds of terrier and is thought to be some 2,000 years old. It is thought the Irish Terrier has come from black and tan terrier type dogs found in Britain and Ireland, similar to the Kerry blue. This dog was bred not for genuine looks, but for its working abilities. As with all terriers this breed is a good ratter. In their history, they were a mix of colours, whereas today we see solid colour. This breed was found in County Cork, Ireland and was used for hunting. Animals they hunted include; water rats, and otter as well as rats and mice. This breed was recognized by the AKC in 1885. In the later part of the 19th century a proper selection process of this breed began, which eliminated the differences between dogs. Without which we would have seen all colour coats and different sizes within the same breed.
Temperament: Here we see an energetic and loyal dog. This dog is a kind and loving showing great ability to entertain their families. The Irish Terrier can make an excellent friend for children. They are active and they love playing, being inquisitive and ready for action and adventure. This breed needs a good strong willed owner. This will prevent the dog becoming difficult to manage. Start training with a firm, but consistent approach when this dog is a puppy, setting rules it must follow, and always include limits of his behaviour. The Irish Terrier breed may not get along with other dogs. This is not a breed to trust with hamsters’ mice and rat pets, as his nature is to hunt these creatures. This dog will enjoy digging, and with its great love of life, enjoys the chase and exploring. Extreme caution needs to be taken, if you wish to release this dog from the lead.
Health issues: Irish Terriers have little problems and are a hardy breed.
Grooming: This dog is easy to groom and sheds rarely. Brush ready with a stiff brush is all that is required. Hand stripping or hand plucking needs to be done twice a year.
Living conditions: An Irish Terrier will cope with an apartment, if it has sufficient exercise. It is to be noted this dog needs plenty of brisk walks, at least once daily. He will benefit from a medium-sized garden.

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